Upcoming Partner Events
Small Producers Initiative - The Nuts, Bolts, & Benefits of Good Grazing
Date: Friday, April 25th, 2025 - Saturday, April 26th
Time: 9am - 5pm
Location: Menke Farm & Ranch, Waller, TX 77445
Click Here to Register. Cost is $40 with lunch provided. Open to all.
Questions: smallproducers@txstate.edu
Join for an experiential, two-day workshop with rancher and consultant Kent Donica of Understanding Ag, returning to Menke Farm and Ranch — a premier Houston-area hay producer.
This workshop will introduce the fundamentals of high-density grazing, based on methods developed by Understanding Ag in collaboration with producers nationwide, and will feature in-depth sessions on topics such as: building soil health and farm resilience, calculating forage and paddock size, analysis of cost savings by using natural soil fertility methods, and updates on state and federal programs that support regenerative ag.
Kent is a dynamic and engaging instructor, and his last workshop at Menke Farm was a huge success. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills in regenerative agriculture!
Prairies and Post Oaks Tour Series - Wildlife Management
Date: Friday, April 11th, 2025
Time: Registration: 9:45 am, Program 10:00 am -3:30 pm
Location: 35906 House Rd, Brookshire, TX 77423
Registration: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NRBK2MJ
Join Waller Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Waller Farm Bureau, and Wildtree to discuss topics related to wildlife management on Prairie and Post Oak environments. Topics will include: deer management (with special guest Dr. Deer), game management, feral hog control with drones, Manage Lands Deer Program, Wildlife tax valuation, and creating deer orchards.
Spanish Goats & Post Oak Savannah Restoration
Date: Friday, May 2nd, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: 88 Ranch, Columbus TX (map provided to those registered)
Join Wildlands, LLC for a tour of their working ranch and how they use holistic tools to encourage climate native grassland establishment and brush management.
Tickets : https://www.tickettailor.com/events/nativeprairiesassociationoftexas/1538972
Please mark your calendars!
Coastal Prairies Restoration Practitioners Forum - Co-hosted by the University of Houston Coastal Center and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Date: Wednesday, April 9th and Thursday, April 10th
Location: Port Aransas, TX. Indoor presentations will be held at the Port Aransas University of Texas Marine Science Institute located at 750 Channel View Dr, Port Aransas, TX 78373. Optional Tuesday evening April 8th field tour at the Port Aransas Nature Preserve at Charlie’s Pasture for early arrivals. There will also be facilitated prairie restoration discussions during tours of Mustang Island State Park , the Welder Wildlife Refuge, and the Fennessy Ranch Reserve.
We are aiming the presentations and discussions to people who manage and restore coastal prairie, so sessions are structured to allow presenters time for an in-depth discussion with attendees in the auditorium and in the field.
The registration fee of $50.00/person includes registration for the optional April 8th early arrival tour, April 9th and 10th of the forum, field site visits, Wednesday Social & Dinner, Thursday lunch, and break refreshments.
Registration will be capped at 50 people so we can ensure successful interaction between presenters, attendees, and to facilitate effective field tours.
Wednesday, April 9th sessions include topics of drone vegetation mapping and herbicide application, how coastal prairie restoration has both ecological and economic benefits, and coastal prairie restoration case studies.
The speaker list is being finalized, and the detailed agenda will be available when registration opens later in February. We will send out an e-mail with a link to the website and registration form when registration goes live. Below is a summary schedule that can be used for planning your calendar.
Lodging accommodations are plentiful in the Port Aransas area. However, you will need to decide whether you want to stay on the island of Port Aransas or the mainland. Keep in mind that to get to the Port Aransas University of Texas Marine Science Institute you will have to take the ferry. Generally, the wait for the ferry is shorter on weekdays. If you stay on the mainland, it will be a shorter trip timewise on Thursday morning to our first field trip location at Fennessey Ranch. We are arranging for block rates at local hotels for registrants.
As co-hosts of the forum, we hope that you will be able to attend - and most of all participate in the exchange of information – at our fourth Coastal Prairies Restoration Practitioners Forum.
Please contact either Tim or Evelyn if you have questions about the forum.
Evelyn L. Merz Tim Siegmund
Program Director Private Lands Program Leader
UH Coastal Center TPWD - Wildlife Division
elmerz@central.uh.edu Tim.Siegmund@tpwd.texas.gov
713-201-4061 903-426-1834
Summary Schedule
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Early arrival tour of Port Aransas Nature Preserve at Charlie’s Pasture, Beverages & Snacks
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
11:00 AM – NOON Registrant Sign-in at Port Aransas University of Texas Marine Science Institute, Beverages & Snacks (Please eat lunch beforehand or arrive early with your lunch and eat with a bay view!)
NOON – 5:00 PM Presentations & Discussion and Break Beverages & Snacks
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Social and Dinner on-site
6:00 PM Leave for Mustang Island State Park Facilitated Field Tour and Sunset
8:15 PM Return to lodging
Thursday, April 10, 2025
8:00 AM- 8:45 AM Registrant Sign-in at Fennessey Ranch (Bring your cup of coffee. We will have breakfast pastries.)
8:45 AM – 11:30 AM Facilitated tour of Fennessey Ranch by hay wagon
11:30 AM Leave for Welder Wildlife Refuge
NOON – 1:00 PM Buffet sandwich lunch at Welder Wildlife Refuge
1:00 – 3:30 PM Facilitated tour of Welder Wildlife Refuge
3:30 PM END of 2025 Forum and departure
Upcoming TCPI & TGSI Events and Opportunities
Check back soon!
Past Events and Opportunities
South Central Texas Ag Conference - Hosted by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Date: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025
Time: Registration opens 8:30 am, Program starts 9:00 am
Location: Laas Ranch, 9870 FM 359, Pattison, TX 77423
Registration closes Monday 2/24 for The South Central Texas AG Conference on February 26.
Register Here: https://washington.agrilife.org/ag/ceuconference/
The program will take place at Harvey Laas Rach in Pattison Texas. Participants will receive 5 CEU for applicators license. There will be a great speaker line up that will cover several important issues including stand decline in warm season pastures, brush control, and small acreage weed control. Some parts of the program will require limited walking on the ranch so please wear appropriate footwear and clothes for the weather conditions.
Participants with limited mobility are able to be accommodated.
Hands-on Conservation Workshop — Native Prairie Soil
Hosted by Native Prairies Association of Texas-Fayette Prairie Chapter
Featuring Garry Stephens and Nathan Haile of Wildlife Habitat Federation (WHF)
Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Location: Winedale / One Sky Farm, Round Top, TX (location details provided to registrants)
Cost: $40 per person (includes lunch)
Registration: Space is limited, so be sure to register early!
Bird Friendly Webinar: Whooping Crane
Join Audubon Texas, International Crane Foundation, and Coastal Prairie Conservancy for an engaging conversation that explores the status of Whooping Crane populations along the middle Texas coast and their expanding range along the central Texas coast. This is a free online webinar.
Date: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Healthy Soils and Thriving Grasslands: A Winning Combination for Everyone
Tuesday, October 1st, 2024, 9am to 3pm
Long Acres Ranch, 2335 Richmond Place Dr, Richmond, TX 77469
Join staff from Wildlife Habitat Federation (WHF), Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute, and Long Acres Ranch for a hands-on grassland and wildlife habitat restoration workshop. This free workshop will include classroom-style presentations as well as in-the-field demonstrations and identification. Topics covered will include strategic grazing and rangeland monitoring, methods of quail and monarch monitoring, feral hog trapping, and financial resources available for landowners. All landowners – public and private – are welcome. No acreage is too small to have a big impact when it comes to conservation! Lunch is included.
The Renewable Landscape and Impacts on Landowners and Rural Texas
Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, 6pm AND
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024, 6pm
Join the Native Prairies Association of Texas - Fayette Chapter for a collaborative Zoom presentation with Jessica Karlsruher, from The Texas Real Estate And Defense (TREAD) Coalition. Every day, 1,000 people move to Texas, fragmenting 700 acres of land daily and increasing the need for infrastructure, including reliable and renewable energy. The TREAD Coalition is working with stakeholders to explore and identify best practices for safeguarding landowners and the state's natural resources. You have two options to suit your schedule best. Space is limited, so an RSVP is required. Upon registration, you will receive a Zoom link. If you are in a chapter or organization with interested members, you might consider hosting a "watch party" and a group discussion.
Join CPC, Texas A&M Agrilife Extension, Tall Timbers, WHF, Ducks Unlimited, and NRCS for a wildlife and habitat workshop! Topics will include Quail 101 on the coastal prairie, waterfowl management, land management practices, funding opportunities, and more! Lunch will be provided. Register through the QR code on the flyer here.
Acres in Action: Wildlife and Habitat Workshop
September 20th, 2024, 9am - 3pm
Coastal Prairie Conservancy Visitor Center
31975 Hebert Road, Waller, TX 77484
In this hands-on Native Prairies Association of Texas workshop, you’ll learn how to identify KR and have an opportunity to practice individual plant treatment (IPT). The session will be led by Tim Siegmund, the TPWD Private Lands Program Leader, and lunch will be provided. More information and registration can be found here.
King Ranch Bluestem:
ID & Management Hands-on Workshop
September 20th, 2024, 9am - 1pm
Nellie Gail Ranch
10305 Highway 159 W, Bellville, TX 77418
Join the Native Prairies Association of Texas, Fayette Prairie Chapter for this online presentation on prescribed firing during droughts, informed by high-intensity fire experiments. More information and a registration QR code can be found here. This presentation is part of a years-long presentation series hosted by the NPAT Fayette Chapter on climate change and its implications for the Fayette Prairie Ecosystem. The list of presentations can be found here.
Prescribed Fire During Droughts: Insights from High-Intensity Fire Experiments
Thursday, July 25th, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Conservation Easements 101/201: Bring Your Questions!
Saturday, July 20th, 10:00am
Texas A&M Agrilife Extension,
255 Svoboda Lane, La Grange, TX 78945
Join us for the Texas Master Naturalist - Gideon Lincecum Chapter July 20th, 2024 Chapter Meeting featuring an informative Q&A session on Conservation Easements! Bring both your basic and complex Q’s! An event flyer with more information can be found here.
The four session panelists include Amber Arseneaux (Executive Director - Native Prairies Association of Native Prairies Association of Texas), David Bezanson (Land Protection Strategy Director - The Nature Conservancy), Robert Lehman (Realtor – Legend Texas Properties and Wildlife), and Randal Banik (Owner - Only One Sky Farm). The session will be moderated by Elisa Donovan, Vice President and General Counsel - Coastal Prairie Conservancy.
Please email glctmnmkt@gmail.com for more information. Hope to see you there!
Prescribed Burn Workshop
Hosted by Texas Parks and Wildlife and The Nature Conservancy
When: Friday, June 14th, 2024, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Where: Northside Education Center, 707 Fahrenthold, El Campo, TX, 77437
RSVP by emailing clinton.faas@tpwd.texas.gov
More information can be found here.
Harmony on the Range: Integrating Grazing and Wildlife Management
Hosted by Texas Parks and Wildlife, Texas A&M Agrilife, Oaks & Prairies Joint Venture, and Long Acres Ranch
When: Friday, June 21, 2024, 9 AM - 4:30 PM
Where: Long Acres Ranch, 2335 Richmond Parkway, Richmond, TX 77469
Cost: $20 (cash or check upon arrival)
RSVP by emailing Jon.Mcleod@tpwd.texas.gov or by completing this form
Lunch and Learn Webinar: Conservation Easements 101
Thursday, April 11, 2024 12:00 to 1:30 PM
Join the Vice President and General Counsel of the Coastal Prairie Conservancy, Elisa Donovan, JD, and Daniel Thorpe, Conservation Associate, for a FREE informative session on conservation easements in Texas via Zoom. We'll cover the following topics and take questions from participants:
How do conservation easements work?
What are the benefits to the landowner?
What are the upfront costs? And are there funding opportunities?
How do the landowner and land trust work together to establish and maintain the easement?
Does an easement change how a landowner can use the land?
Can the public access easement lands?
What if the landowner plans to build another house?
Can the land be passed to heirs? What happens if the land is sold?
Lunch and Learn: Fall in Love with Native Seeding
Thursday, February 15, 2024 12:00 to 1:30 PM
Lunch and Learn: Nature-Positive Resources for Landowners
Thursday, January 18, 2024 12:00 to 1:30 PM
Join Coastal Prairie Conservancy and Wildlife Habitat Federation (WHF) for a lunch and learn highlighting technical assistance available to landowners. WHF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit providing on-the-ground technical guidance for the restoration, management, and generational sustainability of prairie and grassland habitat for the conservation of soil, water, air, and wildlife. WHF works one-on-one with landowners to identify natural resource concerns, provide management opportunities and solutions, and address overall objectives of the landowner.
WHF will develop a custom habitat management plan with conservation alternatives that focus on improving the habitat to restore and protect the natural resources of the land. Technical guidance will be provided through WHF to work with landowners in applying for financial assistance programs to aid in the cost of the chosen conservation alternatives. WHF is a trusted partner of Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, The Nature Conservancy, Coastal Prairie Conservancy, and other conservation-minded organizations.
Speakers: Speakers: Will Kearney, Conservationist and Schyler Rhea, Conservationist
2023 Prairie Stampede
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
6:30 to 8:30 PM
Houston Arboretum and Nature Center 4501 Woodway Drive Houston, TX, 77024
Join us for the 2023 Prairie Stampede Holiday Celebration & Awards Dinner on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 6:30 PM! Bring you favorite dish to share for a covered dish dinner. The Coastal Prairie Conservancy and the Houston Chapter of the Native Prairies Association of Texas will provide meat for the dinner.
All prairie enthusiasts, conservationists, restorationists, and organizations supporting and preserving native prairies in Texas are cordially invited to this annual evening of networking, awards, and celebration of 2023 prairie accomplishments for Texas and Louisiana.
Prairie Plant ID Workshop
Thursday, October 26, 2023 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
University of Houston - Clear Lake
Join us for a hands-on workshop showcasing our Gulf Coast prairie plants! We will begin the day with expert speakers covering prairie plant identification, ecology, and taxonomy. We'll then venture out to explore three urban prairies in the Clear Lake area. Here, we will demonstrate seed collecting and practice our plant identification skills.
Speakers and Presentations:
10:00 - 10:45 AM: Rider Combs - Property Manager, Ecology and Natural Resources Teaching Area - Texas A&M University Department of Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - “Keys to Identifying Prairie Plants”.
10:50 - 11:35 AM: Ricci Simmons, Conservation Stewardship Manager, Galveston Bay Foundation - "Taxonomy of the Gulf Coast Plant Communities"
11:40 AM - 12: 25 PM: Tim Siegmund, Private Lands Program Leader, TPWD - “ How to spot a remnant prairie"
Lunch and Learn: Battling Invasive Species on the Texas Gulf Coast
Thursday, August 10, 2023 12:00 to 1:15 PM
Via Zoom
Restoration Round Up
Saturday, April 1, 2023 8:30 to 3:00 PM
Indiangrass Preserve 31975 Hebert Road Waller, TX 77484
Join us at the Indiangrass Preserve for a day of hands-on demonstrations on restoring native grasslands. These skills may be applied on farms, ranches, private residences, parks, and more!
Restoration specialists and conservationists will cover topics such as prescribed fire, sustainable grazing, native seeding, funding opportunities, grassland bird conservation, and native plant propagation.
Cost: $35 General Admission | $20 Student Tickets.
Lunch and Learn: Restoring Habitat for Imperiled Grassland Birds: Measuring Success on the Katy Prairie
Friday, March 10, 2023 12:00 to 1:15 PM
Via Zoom
Beginning in 2020, Bob Honig and later John Berner led a team of experienced birders in monitoring grassland bird populations on a recently restored prairie within the Katy Prairie's Indiangrass Preserve along with a neighboring, unrestored pasture. Join John for an informative talk on his team's findings and ongoing work with CPC including ways for you to get involved.
The researchers focused their breeding season surveys on key species of concern including northern bobwhite, scissor-tailed flycatcher, loggerhead shrike, and dickcissel. Winter season surveys were focused on short-eared owl, loggerhead shrike, sedge wren, Sprague’s pipit, and LeConte’s sparrow. Migratory season surveys included records of American golden- plover, upland sandpiper, and loggerhead shrike. Findings from this important study are being evaluated to support our continued habitat restoration work on the Coastal Prairies of Texas.
Lunch and Learn:
Conservation Easements 101
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Via Zoom
Photo courtesy of Karen Sachar