About TGSI


The Texas Grasslands and Savannas Initiative (TGSI) is committed to preserving the vast grasslands and savannas of Southeast Texas, ecosystems that are not only critical for wildlife but also serve as significant carbon sinks, help manage water resources, and support sustainable agriculture. TGSI works with private landowners to implement sustainable land management practices, offering resources, technical assistance, and financial incentives to ensure that these lands remain vibrant and productive. By participating in TGSI, landowners contribute to the broader goal of conserving Texas' natural heritage while also enhancing the value and resilience of their land.

Grasslands and savannas are rich ecosystems, serving as home for a quarter of the world’s population and habitat for diverse wildlife. They also offer critical benefits for people and nature by storing carbon, supporting agriculture, and providing recreational and quality of life benefits.

Conserving these lands today means safeguarding the rich biodiversity and cultural legacy of Texas for tomorrow.

For easy reference, please view our printable flyer about the Texas Grasslands and Savannas Initiative.

Watch our informational video about the Texas Grasslands and Savannas Initiative below.


Conservation Easements.  Landowners may enter voluntary conservation easements with a qualified land trust to permanently protect these vital conservation lands. The Texas Grasslands and Savannas Initiative and the Texas Coastal Prairie Initiative (TCPI) funds will pay landowners 50% of the value of a conservation easement. Watch this video to learn more about conservation easements.

Sustainable Land Management Practices. Through the Texas Grasslands and Savannas Initiative, the Coastal Prairie Conservancy and its partners are engaging with landowners seeking resources to permanently protect lands and improve wildlife habitat. The program helps private landowners plan and implement practices that improve soil health and biodiversity, including sustainable grazing, native grassland enhancement, and other practices that support biodiversity.


The coastal prairies, savannas, and grasslands of Southeast Texas are critical ecosystems that were historically managed by bison and periodic fire. These landscapes not only embody the spirit and history of our state but also provide essential habitats for wildlife — from migratory birds to native plant species.

Over the years following European settlement, these lands have been significantly altered by development of rural homes and conversion of native grasslands to croplands or “improved” pasture. The surviving tallgrass prairie and post oak savannas are dwindling in number and are under threat from increasing land fragmentation and rapid development. These wide open spaces, once abundant, are becoming rarer with each passing day.

Because over 95% of these grasslands are in private hands, the best hope for conserving these ecosystems is to combine productive ranching with wildlife conservation. Private landowners are instrumental in ensuring these lands are permanently protected for future generations, preserving a vital part of Texas heritage.

Download the TGSI Map here.


Landowners who own ranches or grasslands within the 16-county region that includes Austin, Brazoria, Colorado, DeWitt, Fayette, Fort Bend, Gonzales, Grimes, Harris, Jackson, Lavaca, Matagorda, Montgomery, Waller, Washington, and Wharton counties are eligible to be considered for the program. Project proposals are prepared and submitted in coordination with local TGSI partner staff who work with individual landowners. Projects must meet program eligibility requirements.


A conservation easement is a voluntary legal agreement between a landowner and a qualified land trust to protect the conservation values of a property. This may include the natural habitats of wildlife or plants, or the preservation of open space – including farms, ranches, pasture land, or forest. 

After an agreement is entered, the land trust will visit at least once a year to ensure that the terms of the agreement are being met. Landowners who place a conservation easement on their land continue to enjoy the ranch or farm for decades to come, knowing it will be protected even when passed down within the family or sold to a new owner.


Land management activities that improve soil health and support biodiversity are included, such as weed control, brush control, wildlife planting, prescribed grazing, cross-fencing, and conservation cover.  These actions help local ranchers stay in business and also protect local food supplies.


Local TGSI partner staff work with individual landowners who are interested in the program to assist with planning the conservation practices and completing project applications. Please contact us by emailing info@coastalprairieconservancy.org or completing the online contact form in order to be contacted by a partner regarding a potential project.

Project applications are accepted year-round, and will be bundled and selected during announced application periods. Free conservation planning and technical assistance is available to landowners year-round to develop a conservation plan.

The Texas Grasslands & Savannas Initiative works in parallel with the Texas Coastal Prairie Initiative to protect and enhance lands in the Coastal Prairie and Post Oak Savanna Ecoregions of Texas. Reach out to us today, and we will work with you to enroll you in the appropriate program.


In addition to the generous funding from the Natural Resources Conservation Service, partners rely on the generosity of philanthropic donors to fund this important work. Please email info@coastalprairieconservancy.org if you are interested in supporting the conservation of the Texas Coastal Prairie.

TGSI Partners

Photographs on this website generously provided by:

Chuck Duplant
Greg Lavaty