Soil Health Research and guidelines on soil health Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute - Soil Carbon 101: Determining If Soil Carbon Storage Markets Are Right For You (March 2023) Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute - Rangeland Carbon Markets: A Primer on the History, Function, and Processes of Carbon Markets Relevant to Texas Rangelands (December 2022) UH Coastal Center - Soil Carbon Study of Remnant and Restored Prairies (2024) Farmland Information Center - Agricultural Land Protection: An Essential Tool For Fighting Climate Change (March 2024) Houston Wilderness - Understanding the Soil Content of the 8-County Gulf-Houston Region (January 2021) (Holechek et al., 2020) - Climate Change, Rangelands, and Sustainability of Ranching in the Western United States (Ampleman et al., 2014) - Differential soil organic carbon storage at forb- and grass-dominated plant communities, 33 years after tallgrass prairie restoration UCLA Institute of Environmental Sustainability - Carbon sequestration: A critical but less-understood piece of the climate puzzle (April 2021) Washington Post - Storing carbon in the prairie grass (August 2020) (Guzman & Al-Kaisi, 2009) - Soil carbon dynamics and carbon budget of newly reconstructed tall-grass prairies in south-central Iowa (Machmuller et al., 2015) - Emerging land use practices rapidly increase soil organic matter YaleEnvironment360 - Soil as Carbon Storehouse: New Weapon in Climate Fight? (March 2014) Trust for Public Land - Benefits of green infrastructure for heat mitigation and emissions reductions in cities (October 2016) CLEAR Center UC Davis - What is Carbon Sequestration and How Does it Work? (September 2019) Carbon Nation - Collection of Research Papers on Adaptive Multi-Paddock Grazing (AMP)